Sunday, March 11, 2012

Vaccination Wordplay

I don't care where people stand when it comes to vaccinations. Every parent has their reasons for medical choices when it comes to their child's health. Twice now I have seen flu vaccination billboards on route 95 in Baltimore. Some research and know exactly what vaccines should be administered when. Others just do what the doctor says. Me, well... this year I made my decision for the flu shot based on two billboards. Look out to all my imaginary Mother of the Year competitors!

Billboard sighting #1...

Your kids can't go to school if they have the flu. 
Get Vaccinated.

Now, I know that this billboard was trying to make sure that if I want my kids to get an education they need to be healthy. However, I totally read this billboard as saying my kids would have to stay at home with me if they got sick. We can't have that! All maternal instinct went into gear - must make appointment for flu shots. Must have house to myself during the day all winter long.

It is painless too... the flu shot really isn't a shot anymore, just a mist up the nose. So, the kids don't fight it as much. Some people are really good and get theirs in October at the start of flu season - we aren't that good. Usually, the doctor reminds me that we haven't gotten the shot at another office visit for some other communicable disease the kids picked up (at school).

Now onto the more exciting billboard information. Billboard sighting #2...

You can't go to work if you have the flu. 
Get Vaccinated.

I read this as a statement to overworked people. If you need a day off, and won't take it, get the flu... you have to stay home! Working from home makes this a bitter catch 22 for me but, I told my husband he should not get the flu shot. Hmmm ... you are thinking about how my irrational logic works, aren't you?!

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