Thursday, January 26, 2012

Henry: The Spice of my Life

'Oh Henry!'

I can be heard saying this over and over throughout the day. Depending on the mood of the moment the tone and meter of such a simple statement is constantly changing. Henry is my third child. You have to keep your eye on the third one, at all times! But, let me backup and give you some supporting details.

Last night, as a candidate for eternal mother of the year, I was at the room parent meeting for my other children. (Did I mention I am room mom for both of my school-aged kids? That will have to be a post for another day.) Childcare was provided, so Henry came along to the meeting. As I collected him up, my friend noticed that he looked a bit ashen. I wondered if he would vomit on the way home - the other kids have dubbed our car 'the vomit comet' because of Henry. We were lucky! Phew, he looked really pale, but he was fine. I got him upstairs and laid him on his bed. He looked at me all sad and pathetic, opened his mouth and threw up all over me, and a little bit on his pillow. I whisked him up, faced him away from me and started to run for the bathroom, all the while resisting the urge to reciprocate. We were able to leave an orange track mark on the hallway wall, baseboard and carpet (such teamwork) before getting a small amount in the toilet. I know, I know... TMI. This stuff is not for the weak of stomach.

I cleaned up myself, his bed, and stripped him down. Got him into a clean, towel covered bed and watched him fall asleep. Started what would be round one of the laundry and made dinner for the other two - Jack, my 5 year old and middle child was good enough to inform me that there was something gross on the hall floor. Thank you, Jack!

I work from home and Henry goes to a sitter where someone else chases him, feeds him, occupies him, and loves on him. Remember, I am neck and neck for a major award that doesn't exist, I need to keep up appearances. I kept him home today, so as not to expose the other kids to whatever was forcefully ejected onto me last night. Did I mention I don't feel so good today? Anyway, Henry is feeling great today. Just before lunch he came into my office and we had the following conversation. Oh, by the way, Henry is 2.

Henry: Mommy, all wet, water, water.
Me: Oh Henry! What have you been doing?
Henry: Faucet.
Me: What?! Oh my goodness! What is all over your legs and arms and tummy? Why do you smell like chili powder? (My husband responded to this part of the story with: 'you should never have to ask your child why he smells like chili powder'.)
Henry: all wet, water, water, faucet!
Me: bleep - internet censorship. (Just kidding, I am sure I mumbled something fun, but wasn't feeling good enough to really express it.) Ugh, c'mon Henry let's get you in the tub.

I washed him up. The water turned red from the spices on him. We headed to the kitchen and oh my good Lord in Heaven!

Oh Henry! Do you know how much spices cost?!? Seriously, one jar of cloves is expensive. Let alone an entire shelf of spices. And, really - peanut oil, as well!

Okay, so to be fair I do bake and cook quite a bit - so, I am flattered that Henry would want to make me something when I am feeling ill. <Insert small chuckle and weak smile.> And, I am the one who did not put the soup pot away last night. It was just sitting there, waiting for a 2 year old to fill it with spices. AND, as a candidate for eternal mother of the year and model of maternal excellence, I was working and caring for Henry at the same time... something I obviously do so very well.

To save some energy and not cry over spilled milk (thank goodness he didn't add that to this mess) let's look at the positives.
  1. Henry can open screw-top lids. How dexterous for a 2 year old!
  2. This mess is easily tidied up via the vacuum. How lucky for tired me!
  3. That cabinet needed to be purged anyway. Okay! I am reaching on this one :)
Ah well, off to the put the pampered chef down for his nap.


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  2. Ok, I'm ready for the next installment! Liam slipped and fell on the kitchen floor while playing "ice skating" with daddy. Bloody nose and lips are what happens when you play ice skating on the kitchen floor.
